By default, SyncWords places cues between the end time of the word preceding it and the start time of the word following it. It’s not an exact science and the time the cue stays on screen may need to be adjusted. Use the Sync Editor to adjust the timing by using the start and end anchor options.
Play your video and pause when you reach the start of the sound cue. Hold the CTRL button (or CMD for macs) and click the sound cue in the transcript. This selects the cue without moving the timeline. Once that is done click the Start Time button. You have now told the system that the sound cue starts at that specific time. You can do the same for any cue or word in the transcript and add start or end anchors accordingly. You can either place a start anchor or end anchor to either sync the start or end of a word or sentence.
Another way to adjust timing is via the timeline spectrogram. You may have noticed that every word you click in the editor displays the timing of the word on the timeline at the bottom of the screen. It has both the start and end time as markers that can be adjusted manually. Any changes you make will trigger our advanced automatic retime engine for that text edit.
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